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Supporting Iron Levels Naturally: Kitchen Medicine
Iron deficiency is a common nutritional issue that can lead to fatigue, weakened immunity, and overall low vitality.
Preconception Care: Preparing for pregnancy with a naturopath
Photo by Garrett Jackson Preparing for pregnancy can be a challenging yet exciting time and working with a naturopath on this journey is...
How Long Should I Meditate For?
Have you been told about its benefits or read for yourself that it is good for, well... almost everything including memory, attention,...
Thyroid Function and Fertility
Thyroid Health and Overall Fertility As part of the endocrine system, a large network of chemical messengers and receptors in the body,...
Understanding The Label On Plant-Based Milks
Do you check the label for ingredients and non-food additives when you shop? If you do you may be a little confused at times. You might ask,
A Herbalist's Guide to Making Broths
In the clinic, my prescribing methods are precise and the measuring cylinder is a close friend. However, in the kitchen, I'm known to stray
The Link Between Ovulation and PMS
While many menstruating people notice the period bleed and the days leading up to their bleed as the most eventful and maybe even the most t
Natural Coffee Alternatives
If you're a coffee purist, turn away now. Those looking for Cuppa Joe alternatives for when coffee gives you the jitters, makes anxiety wors
PCOS: Insulin resistance, nutrition, and myths.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a common endocrine disorder involving multiple symptoms including cysts on the ovaries, elevated...
Fish oil supplementation in pregnancy
"All of the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids accumulated by the fetus must ultimately be derived from the mother by placental transfer"...
Stress and Thyroid Function
If you're reading this article you've more than liking heard of the thyroid gland before. This small, butterfly-shaped gland at the front...
Easing Into Mindfulness Meditation
Starting to incorporate meditation like mindfulness into your life for the So, you ask, where do I begin start, how often do you have to...
Mind-full eating and functional digestion
“You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf” Jon Kabat-Zinn The Workings of Digestion The gastrointestinal system works through...
Hormone Disruptors, Plastics, and Health
What is an endocrine disruptor? Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the body's endocrine (hormonal) system. The...
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