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Home-made chocolate for when chocolate is needed most...

Magnesium is a mineral required by the body for calming both the nervous system and muscles in the body i.e. reducing mental and physical tension. Magnesium can also help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings.
It must be obtained through food and our requirements increase with:


Lack of sleep

Stress, worry or anxiety

Physical activity

Chronic pain 

Recurring premenstrual tension

Caffeine intake




A beloved food rich in magnesium and anti-oxidants is cacao, the main ingredient of chocolate. Almonds are also a good source of magnesium. This is a great recipe to call upon during the luteal phase when we often crave comforting foods especially if progesterone is lacking and serotonin is low. While the main aim is to support hormones and avoid PMS altogether, sometimes we just need that chocolate hit and I say 'go for it!' after all, what kind of food-is-medicine naturopath would deprive you of chocolate? Not me. The key is, go for the dark, good quality option and why not make it yourself to save pennies.


Tip: Make this delicious choc crackling a few days earlier to avoid the stress of scrambling through the pantry or driving to the nearest supermarket for poor quality, high sugar chocolate bars with VERY LITTLE real cacao = minimal magnesium content and an impending teary sugar-crash to boot.



Chocolate and Almond Crackling Fit for Queens




2 Tbsp cacao butter

2 Tbsp coconut oil

3 Tbsp raw cacao powder

1 Tbsp raw honey

1 Tsp cinnamon powder *helps to regulate blood sugar and reduce cravings

pinch sea salt

1/4 cup chopped raw almonds





1) In a small saucepan on very low heat add cacao butter and coconut oil and allow to melt gently. 


2) Once melted turn off the heat, add cacao powder, honey, and cinnamon and mix until well combined. 


3) Pour mixture onto a flat tray lined with baking paper or directly into a large glass container. Sprinkle almonds and salt evenly over mixture, put in the fridge and allow to set. 


4) Once set hard, break off and enjoy


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